Unlock peak productivity with our AI assistant. Designed to enhance focus, improve communication skills, and foster harmonious collaboration. It revolutionizes how you interact with your community and elevates engagement for superior experiences.
Optimize your productivity with our services.
Cognitive Analysis
Cutting-edge 30-model cognitive analysis can track and analyze participants' motions, engagement levels, as well as short- and long-term motivation.
Auto generate transcription
Our AI-powered transcription service generates transcripts in multiple languages and sends them to your email for easy review and sharing.
Meeting Summary
The transcript includes an AI-generated meeting summary, list of topics, action items, and key questions, allowing you to quickly review or take further action.
Conversation Intelligence
Empower yourself with actionable insights to become a more proficient communicator. Delve into real-time analysis of your speech and emotions during meetings, refining your ability to boost clarity, inclusivity, and overall impact in all interactions.
Real-Time Speaker Coaching
Real-time Mood Monitor
Track speakers’ emotions in real-time to foster a peaceful and harmonious meeting environment, enhancing efficiency and promoting collaboration.
Speaker Identification
Our speaker monitor maintains a balanced and harmonious meeting environment by tracking speakers’ sociodemographic metrics (age, gender, engagement, mood, localization…) in real-time.